Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lakefront Discovery 15k

The first team sponsored race for the semester is The Lakefront Discovery Run 15k on October 27th at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee and runs along the Lakefront, Lake Park, and Third Ward, finishing at the Milwaukee Ale House (free all you can drink micro brews). This is a fully sponsored event so the registration is covered by the team. However, there are less than 40 spots remaining for the race, so pleas sign up NOW! You will be reimbursed the entry fee by the team after paying your 2012-2013 team dues. Please email me after signing up.  This has been a tradition for the team for 3 years now and is always a fun/competitive race and a great after party!

 Check out the below website for more info and to sign up:


First Team Meeting of Fall!

Hey Team, Our first meeting of the semester will be Monday October 8th at 8:00pm at a to be announced location in the union. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the team (jendusaj@uwm.edu). I look forward to seeing everyone back and some new faces!